I was so super excited and nervous about this marathon. This was my 1st full marathon. I was lucky to have my 2 sisters Maria and Janice run it with me. Also my brother-n-law Jason (Maria's husband). Greg (Janice's husband) ran the half so we started together and he broke off at mile 4.
We drove up to the finish line, where we parked, and then caught Trax to take us the 25 min to the start area which was at The Legacy Bridge, on The University of Utah campus. We hit the porta potties right away, the lines were long (shocker). We had about 10 min till the gun went off, so we made our way to the start line madness.

The Matching triplets.
Yes, my cute sisters and I wore matching outfits. My sister Janice saw these cute skirts in SLC and bought one for all 3 of us. (Thanks Janni) I made the cute headbands (activeheadbands.com)
The half marathon and the Full marathon start together and then we spilt off at mile 4. So we were able to run the first 4 miles with Greg.
I didn't really have a time goal, I just knew I wanted to come in under 4 1/2 hours. By mile 13 I totally hit the wall. I never hit the wall in any of my long runs so this was very new to me. It sucked. At times I would get some energy back but it would never last very long. It was a long next 13 miles. I couldn't have done it without the crew. They cheered me on gave me inspiring words help me keep form they were great. I hope I do okay in my next race June 11th cause I'm running that one alone.
At mile 24.5 we had a long up hill, headed us toward The state Capital. Once we got to the top, we turned left which ran us right past Temple Square. I was exhausted at this time. Oh man I just wanted to be done. Then we took a curve to the right and there was the finish line and my legs took off. I was ready to finish but I wanted to finish strong. This was one of the hardest things I have ever done but was so rewarding at the same time. Our bodies and minds are stronger than we give them credit. I'm so glad I was able to do this race and that I was able to do it with my 2 beautiful sisters. They are the best and I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

My post run photo. 26.2 miles in 4:31

The marathon crew. They were the best team I could have asked for. They helped me so much.